User Study Test plan
The user study test plan is a test project plan for the testing process. A user study test plan describes the objectives of testing, and also what will and what will not be tested. For this project, a user study test plan was made in order to review the final design and prototype.
Global Questions
How do assistive tools affect the quality of the participant’s presentations? How often does he use his assistive tools?
How do the assistive tools impact daily life?
During presentations he will use the button at least twice and the handgrip the whole time while presenting.
The tools will affect the quality of the participant's presentation positively after some practice.
The product won't be in the way of his daily life besides presenting.
How to: Test the questions
Let him do a presentation for us about his disability with the tools and see if there is a learning curve.
Follow Igor for a day to see if the tools are in the way with any of the daily activities. Due to time constraints maybe let him send photos from activities where the tools are in the way (inform caregivers about this)